Discipleship Resource Ideas


The following suggestions are to give you some ideas of book on different topics or books of the Bible to help with personal study or if you are working in a discipleship relationship.

Topical Books/Studies - Books on specific topics that may help






Surrender to God

How to Study the Bible


Spiritual Growth


Understanding What you Believe

Work/Life Balance – Healthy Boundaries



Holy Spirit

Bible Studies – Helping you choose a book of the Bible that meets your Huddle’s needs.

Ephesians: Identity in Christ- How grace and the gospel define who you are and how you should live.

Hebrews: What is faith? How does it direct how we live, love and serve?

Philippians: Confidence in Christ – finding peace and joy in the midst of difficult circumstances.

  • NAVPRESS – Philippians LifeChange Bible Study Series

Acts: How did the Church begin? What is your mission? How does God want to use you to build His Church?

John: Who is Jesus? A teacher? A Prophet? Or the true Son of God?

  • Steve Severance’s John Study

Mark: Who is Jesus? What is the gospel? 

Romans: Understanding what Christians believe – a clear discussion of Christian doctrine that Paul presented to the Romans. How does what God did through Jesus inform how we live?